Christmas is coming - wouldn't a nice framed photograph of some local scenery, or our local eagles or osprey be a perfect gift? How about a gorgeous photo of the Wallace Lighthouse on canvas and gallery-wrapped for your living room?
Contact me directly at 902-268-2960 to visit my on-premises photo gallery, or visit Whirligigs cafe in Wallace (open weekends only) to see a nice selection of works by Wallace River Photography!
And COMING SOON! I have obtained a turn-of-the century horse-drawn pung sleigh. This sleigh is currently being totally rebuilt and repainted (RED!) and it will be a great prop for a family photo for the winter season, or think way ahead for a family shot for your next-year's Christmas Cards!! I'll post a shot of the sleigh here when it's done, but in the meantime, this is how it's looking so far. The work is being done by a local Wallace boat-builder with a superb reputation, Thomas Wood of Big Bay Boats.
Wallace River Photography is a local professional photography business serving the Pugwash-Wallace-Tatamagouche area on the Northumberland shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. Call 257-2960 for an appointment for photo portrait sessions (kids, parents, grandparents, birthdays, anniversaries, on-site in our studio or at your location. Passport Photos now available for just $20.00! Feel free to browse around and see as many samples of my work as you want!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Recent Grad Photo Session
A local engineer-to-be needed some grad photos done before trekking off to University. The session went very well, needless to say! If your son or daughter needs a quality set of grad photos, feel free to call at any time for an appointment.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A Fun Family Photo Session
A local family recently had a visit from their son and daughter-in-law, and baby, from England, and they wanted a few photos to remember the visit. It was about an hour-and-a-half shoot in my studio and I think the results were quite good! The baby is 10 months old and was pretty well-rested, so she was generally in a happy mood. She got a bit weary of the process after awhile and that was when we knew it was time for a break :). Here's some of the shots from that shoot :
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Now Available! Beautiful Wallace River Swing Bridge on Canvas! Just $150.00
This is the historic Wallace River Swing Bridge. It is a panoramic shot of the bridge and is sized at 36"x12", beautifully printed on a new size 1.5" thick gallery-wrapped canvas and displayed on a wooden frame. This would look great on your wall and it's reasonably priced!
The bridge crosses the Wallace River in Cumberland County along the former Intercolonial Railway line, now part of the Trans Canada Trail. The bridge would pivot open for Sailing ships proceeding up the Wallace River to the Sand Stone Quarries, and carry the local sandstone to building projects around the world.
The bridge crosses the Wallace River in Cumberland County along the former Intercolonial Railway line, now part of the Trans Canada Trail. The bridge would pivot open for Sailing ships proceeding up the Wallace River to the Sand Stone Quarries, and carry the local sandstone to building projects around the world.
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Available directly from Ian Murray or at Whirligigs Cafe in Wallace! |
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Announcing a New Photo Sales Partnership
Wallace River Photography has entered into a new and exciting partnership with Zoomphoto is a photo hosting and sales website that caters to Canadian photographers. Customers can browse photos that have been uploaded by the photographer, place an order for sizes that have been made available, and pay by credit card through a secure online link. Zoomphoto prints the photos and mails them - all at very reasonable prices. Here's Wallace River Photography's site : Wallace River Photography on Zoomphoto
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Something New and Different - The Canada Winter Games - Freestyle Skiing
I was fortunate enough to obtain media accreditation allowing me to attend the Canada Winter Games. I was mainly interested in the Freestyle Ski events at Ski Wentworth, so I went on four days, to see
- Halfpipe Competition
- Aerials
- Moguls
- Dual Moguls
Sunday, February 6, 2011
A couple of recent Bald Eagles
It always seems like a privilege to see these magnificent birds in our area. Here's a couple of recent photos I managed to get of a very classic pose for an adult bald eagle, and then a largish juvenile trying to be as imposing as possible.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Ahhh, life in the country!
Living in rural Nova Scotia gives one plenty of opportunities to take photos of birds and wildlife, not to mention the scenic surroundings and vistas. This is a sampling of some of the types of photography that have piqued my interest, and caused me to upgrade to some very fine camera gear! BTW, I shoot Canon.
This red fox was digging around chasing mice, I think, and he looked up when I called to him.
This red fox was digging around chasing mice, I think, and he looked up when I called to him.
One of the more challenging subjects to photograph is the hummingbird. They charge around very quickly making focus very difficult. Here's one flitting around a neighbour's scarlett runner bean blossoms.
Late in the fall of 2010, several Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins started hanging around the harbour near Pugwash. They were very entertaining to watch as they fed on the schools of smelt.
I've always liked a good sunset. Well, who doesn't? And even better, if one gets up early enough, is the spectacular sunrise. This is a fall sunrise over the Wallace River.
Ah, what the heck, here's another spectacular sunrise!
Many years ago, Evening Grosbeaks used to be very common in Nova Scotia. Their numbers dwindled over a long period of time, but it appears that they have recovered nicely. This is a male Evening Grosbeak in a very proud pose taken in the spring of 2010.
One of the more scenic churches in the area is St. Johns United Church in the Village of Wallace. The light was just right this day and it caught the church, its bright red roof, and the surroundings beautifully.This squirrel looked happy to me, although the shot was taken on a cold day. I think he tried to claim this perch as his own from all the birds that enjoy sitting there.
I have named my property "Eagles Landing", as there are a couple of local families of Bald Eagles on the Wallace River. They often sit in the tall pine trees on the edge of my property and search for food. I'm sure sometimes they just sit with absolutely no purpose!
Another fun bird to watch is the Downy Woodpecker, and his larger cousin the Hairy Woodpecker. This Downy seemed to enjoy having his photo taken this past winter.
Here's a couple of shots of one of my favourite birds, the little Common Redpoll. They just seem to brighten up the yard when they show up!
Great Blue Herons show up in this area in late summer, and seem to let you get "just" so close before they take off. As a result, many of my pictures are of them taking off!
Cape John is a spit of land that juts out into the Northumberland Strait a few kilometres west of my home. It's a very pretty spot to visit.
I took this photo on the same trip to Cape John in the summer of 2010. I couldn't resist the scene of the heron flying off into the golden sunset.
This image is available on a 16"x20" canvas for just $70.00
Another of my favourite little birds is the Purple Finch. They have less brown on their sides than their relatives the House Finch. This is a male - the females are many shades of brown and beige.
A very pretty bird, in my mind, is the Blue Jay. As raucous and nervy as they are, they take a beautiful picture.
One day recently I was walking along my dirt road, camera in hand (of course), but it wasn't turned on. All of a sudden a large dark shape fluttered into action from a tree right beside the road, and then he started soaring above me! This is the Juvenile Bald Eagle that I was fortunate enough to get my camera turned on, pointed and focused in time to get his picture!
And finally, one of my favourite subjects - lighthouses! The Wallace Lighthouse, also known as the MacFarlane Point Lighthouse, is still operational (automated) and is 30 feet high. It was built in 1904. The building was constructed under contract by Mr. John D. Reid of the Head of Wallace Bay. The first lighthouse keeper was George Boyle in 1905, whose salary was $150 a year.
This image is available on canvas on a 30" high x 20" wide stretched frame for just $85.00 and it looks spectacular.
Last in this series is the newly-constructed mainland lighthouse that was built by the folks at Masstown Market. It's intended to be a tourist destination, as well as a seafood store and restaurant, complete with wharf and lobster boat! This "lighthouse" is nowhere near any body of water, but its contruction makes it look so genuine and original!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Family Photo Session in the Fall of 2010
This is a local family who hadn't had any photos taken in ages. We found a nice outdoor setting and took lots of pics and had some fun at the same time. I think the girls should be in the movies!
Portrait Session to start 2011
I was approached by a local businessman who needed some new photos of himself for a variety of uses. We only spent about 45 minutes but the results turned out very well. Here's a few examples.
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