Thursday, February 24, 2011

Announcing a New Photo Sales Partnership

Wallace River Photography has entered into a new and exciting partnership with Zoomphoto is a photo hosting and sales website that caters to Canadian photographers. Customers can browse photos that have been uploaded by the photographer, place an order for sizes that have been made available, and pay by credit card through a secure online link. Zoomphoto prints the photos and mails them - all at very reasonable prices. Here's Wallace River Photography's site : Wallace River Photography on Zoomphoto

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something New and Different - The Canada Winter Games - Freestyle Skiing

I was fortunate enough to obtain media accreditation allowing me to attend the Canada Winter Games. I was mainly interested in the Freestyle Ski events at Ski Wentworth, so I went on four days, to see
  1. Halfpipe Competition
  2. Aerials
  3. Moguls
  4. Dual Moguls
All of these events were truly remarkable, and the athletes competing were fearless on the steep slopes and the jumps. Some of the hills were difficult to even stand on, let alone do the trick skiing. It's a good thing the organizers offered snowmobile rides UP to where the events were being held, even if one had to walk back down the hill! Here's just a sampling of the pics I managed to get. As you can see, the weather was almost perfect.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A couple of recent Bald Eagles

It always seems like a privilege to see these magnificent birds in our area. Here's a couple of recent photos I managed to get of a very classic pose for an adult bald eagle, and then a largish juvenile trying to be as imposing as possible.